On Thursday, March 30th, 2023, at 2.00 pm, AREPO will organise its 5th edition of the “European event of Quality and Origin products”, at the Common House of Hessen, Emilia-Romagna and Nouvelle Aquitaine in Brussels.
This event is organised in the framework of the Interreg Sudoe AGROSMARTglobal project and will gather together the European institutions, regional authorities and producers from our member Regions and the Sudoe area.
The event will take place as follows:
2.00 PM | 6.30 PM – CONFERENCE “The future challenges for GIs”
7.00 PM | 11.00 PM – TASTING of products benefiting from EU quality schemes
Simultaneous translation will be provided into English, French, German, Greek, Italian, Portuguese and Spanish.
Please find the programme attached.
Please note! Registration is now closed.
You can now find the press release and the power point presentations below as attachments.
AGROSMART global “Space for the competitiveness, promotion and intelligent international expansion of agri-food cooperatives in the Sudoe rural areas” is a European project co-funded by the Interreg Sudoe Programme 2014-2020 under Priority Axis 2: Stimulating the competitiveness and internationalisation of SMEs in South-West Europe. To know more about AGROSMARTglobal, click here.(More information to come soon)
Related documents
- conference-programme_arepo-eu-event-on-quality-and-origin-products_march-2023.pdf
- ppt-parmigiano-reggiano_gi-protection_r.deserti.pdf
- ppt-agaca_agrosmartglobal-presentation_c.-rodriguez.pdf
- ppt-arepo_practical-guide_a.-lellinger_a.-clermontelle.pdf
- ppt-origin_dns_m.-vittori.pdf
- ppt-euipo_gi-protection_-k.-kompari.pdf
- pt_pr_arepo-eu-event-on-quality-and-origin-products_agrosmartglobal_march-2023.pdf
- en_pr_arepo-eu-event-on-quality-and-origin-products_agrosmartglobal_march-2023.pdf
- es_pr_arepo-eu-event-on-quality-and-origin-products_agrosmartglobal_march-2023.pdf
- fr_pr_arepo-eu-event-on-quality-and-origin-products_agrosmartglobal_march-2023.pdf
- it_pr_arepo-eu-event-on-quality-and-origin-products_agrosmartglobal_march-2023.pdf
Events to come
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10.00 am
Fiera Milano, ITALY
10.00 am
Parc des Expositions de Bordeaux, FRANCE
09.00 am
Representation office of Emilia-Romagna, Brussels