On 7 and 8 February 2023, MOVING partners met online for the Steering Committee (SC) meeting to present the progress achieved during the first half of the project and discuss the steps ahead for the last part of it.
Over the last couple of years, the project’s research activities progressed positively. From now on, MOVING will focus on the cross-case comparison of the 23 value chains, the policy analysis and the foresight exercise. These activities are interconnected and complement each other, so they will be carried out at the same time.
On these days, Work Packages (WPs) leaders provided updates on the work carried out so far and the next steps.
AREPO presented the survey that, in the framework of WP7 and
in collaboration with Euromontana, it is carrying out to collect good practices concerning the use of the EU optional quality term (OQT) “mountain product”, a topic addressed in the second MOVING EU MAP webinar.
This work stems from the need to update the legislative status of the OQT at the national level, analyse its actual impact on consumer perception, farmers’ revenues and at the territorial level, and see the interaction with other quality schemes.
All the gathered information will contribute to the MOVING policy roadmap and Euromontana’s report on the implementation of the OQT “mountain product”.
The second day of the SC meeting was devoted to dissemination activities.
Particularly, partners heard about the making process of the MOVING Story Maps, about the MOVING Mountain App, as well as about publications and the other communication and dissemination activities.
More details on MOVING website: https://www.moving-h2020.eu/promising-results-to-face-the-last-stretch-of-the-moving-project/
The next SC meeting will be held in presence in November 2023 in Hungary.