10 avril 2024Évènement

The new legal framework for EU Quality Products: opportunities and challenges for mountain and GI products

 02.00 pm
 Committee of the Regions, Brussels, BELGIUM

In the framework of the Horizon2020 MOVING project, AREPO and oriGIn EU organised a conference gathering EU Institutions, Regional governments, Producers of mountain and GI products and EU stakeholders from the agri-food sector, to discuss the new legal framework for EU Quality Products. 

The focus was placed on the impact of the changes introduced by the new GI and quality terms regulation and the opportunities they open up. Above all this was an occasion to discuss the place of EU geographical indications and quality products in the future CAP and the role they play in the sustainable development of our rural and remote areas. A session was devoted to the implementation of the Optional Quality Term ‘Mountain Product’, the most recent among EU quality schemes. The aim was to discuss how to strengthen it to increase its added value for the ecological resilience, attractiveness and socio-economic development of mountain areas.

The conference was followed by a cocktail with mountain and GI products. 

Presentations and recordings:

1. Welcome address

  • Mercedes Morán Álvarez, President of AREPO and regional Minister for Agriculture of Extremadura | Video
  • Karine Gloanec Maurin, member and rapporteur for the EU Committee of the RegionsVideo

2. Introduction to the MOVING project, Mar Delgado (UCO) | PresentationVideo

3. Making the most of the new EU GI Regulation, Diego Canga Fano (Director in charge of Outreach, Research & Geographical Indications, DG Agri, European Commission) | Video

4. Round tablemoderated by Angelo Di Mambro, Agrifood Editor at Euractiv | Video

  • Anne Sander, MEP and shadow rapporteur for the GI revision, Quaestor of the European Parliament
  • Irène Tolleret, MEP and shadow rapporteur for the GI revision, European Parliament
  • Sébastien Breton, member of oriGIn EU and General Delegate of the Conseil National des Appellations d’Origine Laitières (CNAOL)
  • Federico Moncunill, member of oriGIn EU and Secretary General of the Regulatory Council of the PGI Jijona and PGI Turrón de Alicante
  • Alessio Mammi, Regional Minister for Agriculture of Emilia-Romagna
  • Katerina Zografu, Vice-governor of Central Macedonia Region

5. Conclusive remarks

  • Paolo De Castro, MEP and rapporteur for the GI revision, European Parliament | Video
  • Nicola Bertinelli, President of the Consorzio del Formaggio Parmigiano Reggiano | Video

6. Implementation of the EU optional quality term “mountain product”

  • Guillaume Corradino, Director of Euromontana | PresentationVideo
  • Giulia Scaglioni, Policy officer of AREPO | PresentationVideo
  • Celine Keidel, Deputy Head of Unit, Unit F.3 – Geographical Indications, DG AGRI, European Commission | Video

7. National case studies

  • Cătălina Rogozan, Highclere Consulting (Romania) | PresentationVideo
  • Angelo Romagnoli, mountain producer of Parmigiano Reggiano PDO, Caseificio Canevaccia (Bologna – Italy) | PresentationVideo
  • Yves Grandemange, dairy farmer in the Vosges mountains and member of the FNPL (Fédération Nationale des Producteurs de Lait – France) | Video

8. ConclusionsCharles Deparis (President of oriGIn EU and President of the producer organisation of Camembert de Normandie and Pont l’Évêque) | Video

The full playlist with the recordings of the event is available here.

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