Embark on a transformative journey at the European MOVING Spring School 2024, taking place from April 29th to May 3rd in Valposchiavo Valley, Switzerland. This immersive experience dives deep into mountain resilience and innovation, offering insights, connections, and expertise.
Attention! This training is addressed to MOVING partners and stakeholders, Master and Ph.D. students, post-Ph.D. researchers, young researchers, and professors:
- with a focus on mountain and rural development, agricultural sciences, environmental sciences, social sciences, marketing and business, ecology, geography, conservation biology, and forestry,
- interested in studying in an interdisciplinary environment for the sustainable development of mountainous areas and the shape of resilient mountain value chains.
Participation fee: 450 euros, including the 2 optional visits of Monday afternoon and Friday.
Package for 4 nights of accommodation (double room) at Hôtel Suisse, and 7 meals (from Monday evening to Friday morning): 450 euros – (in single room: 600 euros)
Travel costs of the participants estimated to be 300 euros/travel. Please have a look at the Logistic Note further in this document to plan your arrival and departure to/from Valposchiavo.
More information on the attached concept note.
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10.00 am
Fiera Milano, ITALY
10.00 am
Parc des Expositions de Bordeaux, FRANCE
09.00 am
Representation office of Emilia-Romagna, Brussels