10 marzo 2014 Noticias

Global Forum and Expo on Family Farming

In occasion of the International Year of Family Farming, the FAO and the Hungarian Ministry of Rural Development organised a Global Forum to identify the various political, economic and social elements that play a role in the complex environment in which family farms operate.

During the two day event (5-6th March), it emerged clearly that despite the differences across the countries, family farms have values that all nations share and challenges that all nations need to tackle. In particular, the view expressed reflects the key position that family farms occupy in sustainable agriculture and the significant contribution to global food and nutrition security.

However, in order to support family farms it would be fundamental to elaborate solutions for the challenges, considering the differences between and within the countries. The importance to assure higher income, access to land and other natural resources, knowledge, education and financing, has been emphasized, as well as the need to empower collective organization of family farmers. Particular attention has been paid to women and young farmers that require targeted policies to tackle their specific need.

Finally, the Global Forum underlined the need of co-operation and responsible actions from different stakeholders: especially government, business, farmers and civil society.